The US destroyed a lot more than just a pipeline
Biden admitted that “if Russia invades Ukraine, there will be no more Nord Stream pipeline,” and when pressed as to how, he said cryptically “I promise you we will be able to do that.”
But now that Nord Stream has been blown up, Biden insists his regime had nothing to do with it. Well, we believe that, don’t we?
Smart people know who is behind the sabotage and Pulitzer Prize laureate Seymour Hersh, investigator par excellence, has written a detailed report on just how the Biden team executed this plan.
And of course, because the NYT is the newspaper of Democrat record, it did not even mention Hersh’s story. Because the magic NYT is also the newspaper of disappearing record.
Finally, though, the paper got around to mentioning it but only to rebut the story by running a fantasy counter-story about a Polish-Ukrainian team that supposedly pulled off the caper in a sailboat, in a 260-foot-deep area of the Baltic Sea where sailboats can’t anchor, and with none of the necessary decompression equipment for a dive that deep. But never mind, it’s the newspaper of record and the laws of science and medicine need not apply.
So Hersh got righteously angry and debunked the NYT fantasy tale quite handily.
If the issue had been how to defeat the Russian economy, that would have been seen by the Russophobic Western powers that be as proper justification for destroying the Nord Stream. But everyone seems to forget that this pipeline involves a number of European investors, whose investment was blown up too. Commentators also rarely mention that Germany was the big loser in terms of the fuel it needed for its industry, which is now a hunk of metal rusting away.
So it would seem that Russia is not the only perceived enemy.
The US is at war with Europe too
[All highlighting mine]
Lord Ismay, the first NATO secretary general, started a trend that has never gone away when he stated the purpose of NATO was to “keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”
This could only mean that from the get-go, NATO was not designed as a defensive alliance. And indeed, it’s been purely offensive since then. Worse, it considers Europeans fair targets for its bombs and missiles, as it showed the world in Serbia.
But beyond that, NATO and its boss in Washington has been, sub rosa, anti-German and by extension, anti-Europe – despite that fact that Europeans are included in NATO as cannon fodder and arms purchasers by its US custodians.
The Wolfowitz Doctrine, written by undersecretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, adds Western Europe to its spacious stable of potential adversaries. To whit:
“Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power. These regions include Western Europe, East Asia, the territory of the former Soviet Union, and Southwest Asia.”
To be painfully accurate, the above text was only included in the first draft of the document, which was amended after it was leaked to the NYT and condemned as overly imperialistic. However, I am citing this not as an example of documented defense department doctrine but to expose the dangerous and arrogant hegemonic mindset of the top US defense officials that lurks behind the wanton destruction wreaked everywhere by US officialdom.
There was nothing new in Wolfowitz’s doctrine because the US had always put dominance above all other considerations. After all, if the underlying motivation for the Korean and Vietnam wars had really been to stop the “spread of godless communism,” as advertised, then the supposedly most anti-communist president ever, ie, Richard Nixon, would not have so readily switched gears and so fervently endorsed trade with China. It was smoke and mirrors.
Wolfowitz’ contribution was, firstly, simply to codify what any keen observer would have known decades ago, and in so doing, to confess to a stain on US foreign and military policy, namely its likely unconstitutionality and disdain for international law. Because the Constitution defines defense as protecting the states from invasion. Specifically, Article Four, Section Four states that the
“United States shall guarantee to every State a republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion.”
It does not say anything about putting our troops in harm’s way to maintain US dominance. And yet, this has been the main thrust of US “defense” since the end of WW II, with all of the branches of government and their willing collaborators in the media supporting with cunning narrative the artificial creation of “enemies” that had done no harm to the American people nor threatened to do so.
And secondly, if Wolfowitz had been just a geopolitical philosopher or private individual writing an article for a magazine, that would have been one thing, and he could have been written off as a kook.
But no, he was the undersecretary of defense and, in this capacity, was making this wholly unjustified doctrine a raison d’être of all the activities of US troops and all applications of US arms around the globe. Because US dominance was now officially enshrined as a defense doctrine, and hence a military, doctrine on which justification for wars would be predicated.
People would die to save not the US people but the dominance of the US over all other nations. It was the hideous American twin to the Third Reich’s ultranationalist notion Deutschland über alles (Germany over all).
In other words, the Biden team not only destroyed a pipeline, it destroyed German industry to preserve US dominance
To understand the vast magnitude of what the Biden team did, we need to understand why Russian pipelined gas was the only affordable energy source for German industry and the only one that could enable this industry to continue to thrive.
The Biden team fully expected an entire country, and with it an entire continent, to die as a result of their heinous act.
You see, Germany had for decades been the second largest exporter in the world, after China, and it had been universally acknowledged as the powerhouse of Europe. If this is true, then the Biden regime had seriously undermined all of Europe as well.
The CEO of chemical giant BASF explained why Russian pipelined gas was indispensable:
FRANKFURT, March 31 (Reuters) - Germany could face its biggest economic crisis in nearly 80 years should imports of Russian gas and oil be stopped or disrupted in the long-term, the chief executive of BASF, one of the country’s biggest electricity consumers, said.
“This could throw the German economy into its biggest crisis since the end of World War Two,” Martin Brudermueller told Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, adding this posed an existential threat to Germany’s small and medium-sized businesses.
Now Brudermueller did not specify how specifically pipeline-delivered gas was so important, but energy experts generally agree that pipelined gas from Russia is about 40-50% cheaper than LNG from anywhere. And cost is everything in industrial competitiveness (BTW, natural gas not only powered the engines of industry, it also supplied much of the raw material for chemical companies like BASF). Thus despite all the moaning and groaning of US politicians and media about how the Chinese are outstripping the West, the Biden team just threw China a big bone by allowing it to easily eliminate its biggest competitor in regards to exports.
A first degree felony?
Is it fair to say that anyone, including a government actor, who destroys private property is a felon?
After all, the US has been gleefully slaughtering innocent civilians all over the world and yet, any journalist with the chutzpah to assert such would be instantly out of a job and would not soon find work elsewhere. So telling the truth is effectively not allowed in the West.
Further, the US destroyed vast amounts of Iraqi civilian infrastructure, eg, water sources and sewerage facilities, damage that brought an entire population to its knees. And as Madeleine Albright infamously said, killing a half-million Iraqi children with sanctions was “worth it.”
What can you do in a country that staunchly defends behavior on the highest levels of government that if you or I perpetrated it, we would be tried, convicted and jailed by these same felons and never heard from again?
So far, to call elite felons felons is blasphemy to the ears of ra ra hyperpatriots who believe it is an American’s duty to always support whatever narrative Washington in its infinite wisdom has concocted to keep the wars going. And that means always pretending that the US could never be a criminal. Because it’s the US. Period.
It’s circular reasoning. And it works fine for millions of the zombie supporters of Washington’s demicidal and destructive policies.
But a reckoning is coming from the Global South.
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