US foreign policy is Zionism upscaled
People talking “peace” are helping the US-led West achieve its goal of dismembering and destroying Russia. The idea of dismemberment is precisely the strategy Israel has been using for decades to wea
US foreign policy is Zionism upscaled
Escobar: What’s behind Prigozhin’s sound and fury?
They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.
Jeremiah 6:14
People talking “peace” are helping the US-led West achieve its goal of dismembering and destroying Russia.
The idea of dismemberment is precisely the strategy Israel has been using for decades to weaken its neighboring states, rendering them unable to attack Israel.
The Yinon Plan describes this strategy to a t. GW Bush helped Israel implement this plan by invading Iraq and Syria and encouraging the Kurds to declare their independence.
In fact, US foreign policy is nothing more nor less than an upscaled version of the Yinon Plan.
And don’t blame the Israel lobby. At bottom our policies are “Christian” Zionist, with Evangelicals representing the vast majority of us (and I put quotes around “Christian” because Jesus never uttered a single word exhorting His followers to defend an artificial state called “Israel.” We chose Zion over Him and are paying the price).
It is no exaggeration to say that US foreign policy is upscaled Zionism, with the US perceived, first and foremost by Evangelicals, as a “type” of Israel, blessed and chosen by the Creator to lead the world out of darkness, at gunpoint. (No Evangelical ever asks the obvious question: If we are divinely chosen as the masters of the earth and the fullness thereof, why does the US keep losing wars?)
In this essay, Pepe Escobar, the world’s foremost geopolitical analyst, tells us that, aside from actors in the West, there are classes of Russians who variously see and portray the Ukraine war with a view to:
—Peace and
Putin himself is, of course, for victory, hands down, no substitutes or gimmicks (and hence, a long war resulting in the dismemberment and disappearance of a state known as Ukraine).
Putin knows that no negotiations are possible with the fascists. He not only studied history, he lived it, watching (though from a distance) his parents nearly starve or be killed in the horrific Leningrad siege.
When if comes to shaping ones policy toward fascists, there is simply no substitute for facing real existentially significant atrocities committed by them.
No amount of subterfuge or childish tricks will fool Putin. It is amazing watching the pampered “peaceniks” try to do so.
There are, of course, people in Russia (Escobar names some) lobbying for peace talks, which could only slow down the progress towards Putin’s goals of denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine – but also of the US-led West itself, though this latter goal is only rarely stated.
Thus, it is vain to fantasize about a quick end to the hostilities even as the West insists on sending aid to Kiev in its fight to the last Ukrainian.
All goals short of total victory will be rejected by the Kremlin, although some starry-eyed individuals and peace groups in the West keep coming up with clever ways to produce peace out of a hat, for example, through negotiations led by the Vatican.
Utter nonsense, doomed to failure from the start.
Expect a long war, with the winner imposing his will definitively on the loser.
Jews control American foreigh policy. Russians saved Jews from total elimination in Europe by defeating the Germanss. And the Jews still hate Russia. Let sombody figure them out.
And here's the poisoned well from which they drink:
"Are you guys Americans or Israelis?
No, we're not the Israeli guys, we are "The Israel Guys".
We're American, Christian Zionists who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and believe that God's promises to Israel are still true and valid today. We believe that Christians should stand unconditionally with the entire land of Israel, including Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, falsely known as the West Bank.
We also have a volunteer organization in Israel, where we have been bringing Christians to Israel's heartland for the past 20 years to help the small farmers with planting, pruning and harvesting their vineyards, olive groves and planting trees. If you're interested in a volunteer program, check out our volunteer programs at
Why do you focus on Israel's heartland, the so-called "West Bank?"
Nearly the entire world is against Israel's right to sovereignty in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, even though more than 80% of our bible was either written or occurred there. Unfortunately, much of the world's antagonistic attitude towards Israel's heartland is because of their ignorance about the people who live here.
Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria is truly the biblical heartland of Israel and our goal is to share the true and authentic stories of this place with the world.
Doesn't Israel occupy the "West Bank" and oppress the poor Palestinians?
First of all, you should definitely connect with our content on Youtube and social media platforms. Far from oppressing the Palestinians, Israel actually does more for the Arabs who live in Judea and Samaria than the Palestinian Authority does.
The IDF is one of the most moral armies in the world, and goes to great lengths to protect those who are innocent. Israel collects taxes for the Palestinian Authority, provides them with water and electricity, and gives permits for Palestinians to work inside of Israel. Not only that, but many of the settlements in Judea and Samaria provide thousands of jobs for local Arabs working in construction. There is even an industrial park in Samaria that provides jobs and equal opportunities for Jews and Arabs in their factories.
Have more questions? Make sure you subscribe to The Israel Guys on your favorite platforms below to make sure you don't miss out on any of our cutting-edge content."