US pols have sold their souls to AIPAC
If Jesus came back today, they wouldn't hesitate a second to do to Jesus what they're doing to Gazans.
I can’t do translations today because my computer is on the blink, but will summarize what I could find on my hand-held device.
Air strike update for Dec 26, 2023
Acording to, Russian forces struck industrial facilities in Nikolaev oblast. Extent of damage unknown.
According to, also in Nikolaev oblast, Russian drones struck Kulbakino airfield.
The bad news is that a Western-supplied missile struck a large Russian landing ship in Crimea, causing some damage – to be assessed.
Hamas killed some IDF troops today.
The Israelis are ready to lynch Netanyahu, whose approval rating is in the single digits.
Israelis are PO’d at Bibi because IDF soldiers got killed. They don’t seem to realize that if Israel had not bombed Gaza, this wouldn’t be happening. They’re mad because he wasn’t tougher.
The Houthis are still on the prowl for ships headed for Israel in the Red Sea.
At least one oil company announced it will not longer sail in the Red Sea, and this means extending the route to south of Africa, adding days and millions of dollars to the trips. And, of course, to your price at the pump.
The US-led “coalition of the willing” claims to have some willing volunteers but they ask to remain unnamed (if they in fact exist). So far, the Houthis have been giving the Russians a pass. No one trusts the US, backer of genocide. All eyes are on Russia for help, especially now that that country has come out in favor of Palestine.
I don’t think Netanyahu expected this. He always was able to hide behind the White House in the past.
So far, a fair number of Americans are looking to Trump for salvation.
They forget that Trump kissed Netanyahu butt at AIPAC in Washington during his campaign and that he was the first president to cut off Palestinian aid. You will have noted that he has not condemned the genocide in Gaza.
YOU have no say in this. Both parties are leading you to the river’s edge like Pied Pipers, except that one is a better flute player.
The candidates in the GOP field are vying with each other to say the most hateful possible things about the babies being slaughtered daily. And while it is true that the Americans have shown probably the least empathy of all the nations of the world for the plight of these helpless people, I think if American politicians at least condemned the slaughter, and if the media reported honestly about it, we could possibly force the government to stop the genocide.
But we are lukewarm as a people and also easily led by the Israeli propaganda. We lack two defense mechanisms: morality and common sense.
I recently asked my MAGA friends when we were great before. Were we great when we were killing the indigenous peoples by the thousands?
Were we great in WW II, when the West bombed Dresden, and German civilians were roasted like lobsters in the subways?
Or were we great when we massacred over 200K Japanese at Nagasaki and Hiroshima?
Or when we bombed a million mostly Korean civilians in the 50s?
Or were we great when we massacred a million or so mostly Vietnamese civilians a few years later? Were we great at Song My or when we napalmed the little girl in the famous photo?
We thought it was God’s will to kill as many “godless commies” as possible and even now there are many Americans who complain because we didn’t bomb Hanoi and take them all out. Is Trump one of those? Let he who is without sin….?
When were we great before? Because if we’re to get great again, then we must have been great before.
When was that?
I suspect we haven’t changed much since all those past genocidal campaigns.
And of course, it’s all tied in with religion. Like when Netanyahu reminded the world that in the OT, God had commanded the ancient Israelites to mercilessly kill all the Amalekites, including the children and even their oxen.
One of my old fundamentalist pals told me that the Hebrews were cursed for sparing some of the Amalekites and their cattle and NOT slaughtering them all!!
So in America, too little genocide is the sin. You just can’t get enough.
Americans have never thought in human terms. If they did, not many would close their eyes to the wanton killing of past US wars. Instead they put all their stock in a ritualistic and legalistic interpretation of the scriptures that calls for the greatest military in the world to kill off whole populations of people that God just doesn’t like.
Jesus taught the opposite. He taught that the letter of the law must give way to human feelings of right and wrong. Like the time He saved the adulteress who was being stoned by saying to the blood thirsty pharisaical crowd let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
That line in itself should have been a turning point for Jews and Christians alike, but it didn’t make a dent in the way they lived and judged others. “Christian” history has been marked with the shed blood of innocents. It’s more like Old Testament history.
There are men graduating from seminaries after spending thousands of dollars and years of their lives learning none of Jesus’ teachings at all, just a hide-bound cherry-picked Gospel of law and ritual that ultimately degenerated into a patchwork scriptural quilt that we now call “Christian” Zionism. If we dared to open our eyes, we would see that this Satanist ideology is lightyears from what Jesus taught.
But who cares? Those men are making a comfortable living preaching their perversion in churches.
We are motivated by what mean and heartless fanatics taught and they have become our new “prophets,” leading us to perdition like pied pipers.
And we just love em. They justify the evil in our hearts.
And that is precisely why all but one of the GOP candidates have gleefully played this sick game to see who can show the least human feelings toward the thousands of dead and dying children in Gaza. They’ve sold their souls to AIPAC. They wouldn’t hesitate to do to Jesus what they did to Gazans.
If the world did not have models in Russia and China and in the Global South, the US and Israel would succeed in killing every last Muslim and every last Chinese and Russian and in destroying the world economy and turning the planet into a radioactive ash heap.
In fact, the “Christian” Zionists who rule Washington may in fact do just that.
The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests bear rule at their whim; And My people love to have it so; What then will ye do in the end thereof? Jeremiah 5:31
Amidst the ongoing slaughter of Palestinian children, I offer a friendly reminder for all those who call themselves Christians:
The sins of omission are far worse
than the sins of commission.
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