You can be a Christian. And you can be a Zionist. But you can’t be both
“Christian” Zionism? It’s an oxymoron! The New Testament says if you are a Christian, you are a Jew with all the rights accorded by God under the land covenant.
You may buy property in Palestine but do not have the right to seize other people’s land and abuse the people who lived there before 1948.
In fact, Jews never had that right either.
Their half of the Bible says they are to treat foreigners as equals.
Christians are Jews according to the scriptures:
Galatians 3
28There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.
Berean Standard Bible
Old Testament commandment to the Hebrews:
Leviticus 19:34
The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.
Anyone who rejects Leviticus is a not a practicing Jew.
Netanyahu and US government officials who cater to him are trampling Leviticus 19:34.
They are anti-Semitic.
Here’s your daily air strike update for May 11, 2024
One Iskander missile hit five Ukrainian Armed Forces helicopters
Anton Valagin
A video has been published of a Russian Iskander missile attacking a landing pad in the Zaporozhye region. [The Iskander is hypersonic and can’t be shot down]
The airfield, where Ukrainian Armed Forces helicopters refueled and replenished their ammunition, is located near the village of Manvelovka [Dnepropetrovsk oblast], 75 kilometers from the front line. The arriving Iskander destroyed three Mi-24 attack helicopters, two AUV vehicles - which help the helicopters start the engines, a tanker and about 15 airfield technicians. Two more helicopters, Mi-8 and Mi-24, were damaged, writes Iznanka.
“The Mi-8 is not on fire in the video. This is its coloring. A former Afghan vehicle transferred to Ukraine by the United States,” the Voevoda broadcast channel clarified.
Any such site is an extremely important goal. The importance of knocking out attack helicopters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the number of those knocked out can be judged by the fact that the Ukrainian army armed and returned to service the Mi-24R radiochemical reconnaissance helicopters.
Today, former cop and sitting congressman Mike Ezell slapped our Palestinian American Sumer asking him to stop the killing in Palestine.
In Gaza, as Israel occupation forces besiege, maim, and murder Palestinians en masse, they kill journalists and silence any dissent against their atrocities.
In the U.S., elected officials resort to the same violence and repression to continue backing Israel’s genocide unimpeded.
We're told it's anti-Semitic to say things about Israel that are absolutely true
The only sure-fire way to avoid accusations is to agree with lies
MAY 11, 2024
More here
hyperlink to the following:
Translation from Arabic with my notes in bold and in [brackets]
11 May 2024
“Drama of Disorder”: American media coverage of the student protest
The media is usually a wing of political power and those with money and influence. In the American case today, the effective contribution made by the media in serving the White House’s agenda is highlighted during its coverage of the protests of peaceful university students, demanding an end to the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip. The matter does not stop at reproducing the speech of American officials and presenting it to the viewer as facts supported by “fabricated” evidence, or at cutting out scenes of violence and focusing on one angle of the image, but rather at trying to create a narrative separate from the reality of what is happening, to trap the American street specifically in the gap of inability to verify the authenticity of the news. And the distinction between the two sides of the issue, with the widespread dominance of the Western media over it.
In recent weeks, dozens of American universities have witnessed clashes documented in clips posted on social media between police officers and their members with student demonstrators who were also threatened with academic sanctions, and the number of detainees among them exceeded 2,800 students. Although statistics provided by “independent organizations that track political violence concluded that 97% of the campus demonstrations against the war in Gaza that took place in the United States since mid-April were peaceful,” according to what the British newspaper The Guardian reported. According to Armed Conflict Location and Event Data (Acled), an analysis of 553 demonstrations on American college campuses across the country between April 18 and May 3 found that no serious interpersonal violence or property damage resulted.
The student demonstrators demand the withdrawal of investments from the occupying entity, and the disclosure of financial relationships with the organizations that support it. Some demonstrators are also calling for an end to Birthright Israel, an international organization that partners with Jewish institutions to take Jewish youth on a two-week, all-expenses-paid trip to the entity. According to the Acled program, young people are joined on the trip by their Israeli peers who offer their points of view. This trip, which many view as mere propaganda, aims to crystallize the Jewish identity of these young people and blur the lines between Judaism and Zionism.
What is noteworthy is that the fear of punishment, especially academic, which affected some and they were permanently expelled from the university, just as happened at Columbia University, is not observed among Americans when criticizing the American President. "The reason young protesters are intentionally hiding their faces behind face masks or keffiyehs is because they refuse to identify themselves for fear of retaliation," says Danielle Brown, a doctor in community journalism and a writer for the Washington Post. She added, "It is still puzzling to many how an American is free to insult the President of the United States, but not to publicly condemn Israel."
In fact, in the face of this picture, the American media is moving towards adopting a “drama” style in its coverage of the protests, focusing more on the “drama of turmoil” rather than the reasons behind it, and this could leave the masses uninformed about the nuances of the protests and the movements that stand. behind it, and the reasons behind it. The demands and goals of the movement are often deliberately and intentionally hidden, with the focus deliberately placed on chaos and gatherings rather than police violence and repressive measures against demonstrators.
With a simple narration of events, the picture can become clear. These protests began in 2023 and only increased in frequency in the campus camps, without being allocated a large space in the media.
During the past few months, many students have called on their universities to withdraw their investments from companies linked to the occupation entity. Students at Brown University participated in a hunger strike last February. Students from the University of Michigan were also able to sign an online petition as a pressure card for the university’s boards of trustees with the aim of stopping the university’s investments in Israel, but the decision was rejected. All of these efforts were noticeably absent from almost all American media coverage.
In late April, the media tended to allocate a wider space to the student protest, after the video scenes began to invade social media, and the number of supporters and those affected by the protest activities began to increase continuously, which actually produced a more accurate clarity of the Palestinian narrative in the American street, more than any other time. time ago.
On the other hand, the presidents of some universities called on the police to intervene, making the protests more intense and the media coverage more extreme. Instead of focusing on the demands of the student demonstrators and explaining the backgrounds behind their decision to demonstrate, namely the ongoing Israeli crimes and genocide against the Palestinian people, news headlines and newspapers focused on the confrontations between the students and the police.
In contrast, polls find that younger Americans were more likely to sympathize with Palestinians than Israelis. Younger Americans were generally less supportive of the United States' role in the conflict and more opposed to military aid to Israel. This is remarkable given the power, wealth, and scope of the Israeli lobby’s work in the United States, mainstream American media propaganda, and the systematic and long-practiced stereotypes against Arabs and Muslims, specifically Palestinians, in Hollywood and audio-visual production on social media, on which billions of dollars have been spent.
Maryam Al-Seblani
Today, former cop and sitting congressman Mike Ezell slapped our Palestinian American Sumer asking him to stop the killing in Palestine.
In Gaza, as Israel occupation forces besiege, maim, and murder Palestinians en masse, they kill journalists and silence any dissent against their atrocities.
In the U.S., elected officials resort to the same violence and repression to continue backing Israel’s genocide unimpeded.

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By Jeremy Loffredo, reposted from The Gray Zone, April 11, 2024
Jeremy Loffredo visits the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, where a community of Armenian Christians dating back to the 4th century face displacement at the hands of a shadowy Israeli corporation called Xana Capital and the violent settlers it uses as hired muscle.
I guess these folks would never dare take a dime of US Christians’ money though. Right?
This kid GETS IT!!
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Just a few cents of my own.
The displaced Israelis mentioned by the demented Marco Rubio are illegal setters that were displaced by Hezbollah rockets. They were squatting on land from which legitimate Palestinian inhabitants had been illegally evicted, some of whom were killed, all with the backing of US Senators like Rubio, who are paid enormous rewards by AIPAC to help Israel murder more Palestinians.
Our only hope is that eventually, the old Israel worshippers of my generation will die out and the Gen Z’ers like this kid will kick out what is left of the Zionist filth that infests the halls of Congress and the White House and will ban AIPAC.
We can only hope that a remnant of the Palestinians will survive the onslaught of the next administration. If Trump wins, we will see more genocide than ever. He is even more rabidly pro-Israel and anti-Palestinians than Genocide Joe!
The harsh truth about Israel-Palestine. Read it here:
Only a “Christian” Zionist like Gordon Robertson could watch these scenes and feel absolutely nothing: