Biblical-style executions should appeal to Evangelicals
US public officials and religious leaders have been making public statements urging the complete annihilation of the Palestinian ethnicity. They like the generous bribes from AIPAC and want more.
Palestine Chronicle posted a video featuring vignettes of prominent US lawmakers saying outrageous racist things about the Palestinians and how they should be annihilated!
I don’t think there is any excuse for all these hateful comments by elected leaders or especially religious leaders against the beleaguered Palestinians.
Such recommendations are immoral and criminal and will instigate violence.
I therefore think they should be banned and the haters removed from office. If the targets were switched to Israelis instead of Palestinians, investigations would be launched and new laws would be made to prohibit the instigation of violence against Israelis. People would be arrested.
Why is it ok to launch a hate-filled tirade advocating the extermination of an entire ethnicity while beatifying another? Why in 21st Century America are we witnessing Israelis committing atrocity crimes against Palestinians and hearing US senators – all of whom have been generously bribed by AIPAC -- demanding the extermination of the entire Palestinian ethnicity?
This is nothing short of Kafkaesque. America has somehow been transported to another dimension in the universe.
In the case of “Christian” Zionists, some will argue that a religious person has every right to state his beliefs out loud, no matter what the consequences because religious freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution.
However, when bird-brain slimeball Senator Lindsay Graham said Palestine should be nuked, even when 36,000 innocent civilians have been killed and another 12,000 are buried under rubble thanks to the criminal practices of Israel and its accomplices in Washington, I see any US official or prominent religious influencer who cheerleads this crime as an atrocity criminal and believe that perhaps someday, American TV viewers will see Nuremberg-style war crimes trials for just such scumbags as Graham – and also for “Pastor” John Hagee, who has advocated for the nuking of Iran.
Religion is no excuse for other crimes, nor should it be a valid excuse for instigating wars. Especially for perpetrators trying to hide behind the name of Jesus in favor of violence. Officials who have instigated support for genocide as well as the support for Ukie Nazis – as well as those like Victoria Nuland in the Obama-Biden administration who went to Kiev and deliberately turned a peaceful protest into a violent coup and then installed Neo-Nazis in Kiev knowing that Russia could not tolerate a Nazi state at its borders -- must be punished severely because it was they who drummed up support for countless deaths and widespread destruction.
It's unforgivable.
Russia has already said, at least 2 years ago, that when the hostilities are over, they will in fact launch such trials and that the death penalty will not be ruled out for the worst of the Nazi perpetrators.
Of course, Evangelicals reading this my opinion on “Christian” Zionist agitators, will shriek religious censorship.
But let’s look at an analogy to put this in perspective.
Suppose a hyper-religious group of Evangelicals looked at the punishment of Cain in the Old Testament and decided that all children with the name of Cain must be executed because this would please God and would hasten the Second Coming enabling them to meet Jesus in the air. The incentive would be great because believers would never have to face death. They would be like Elijah who went straight to heaven in a fiery chariot. This desire to avoid dying is one of the strongest motivations for “Christian” Zionists, as evidenced by reader comments in Evangelical forums.
Not only that, but in the fundamentalist view all the untoward events such as wars and economic crises in America would be resolved if these people named Cain could be brought to justice and duly executed in God’s name. Blessings would rain down from heaven on America. With Tel Aviv’s blessing, Donald Trump would spearhead the political wing of the movement, promising to make America truly great again through tough love toward the Cains!
A request for offers would be put out by the Department of Defense to build stone-throwing machines that would fire stones fast enough to kill rows of prisoners instantly and painlessly. Raytheon would win the bid, and preachers would praise its new humane stoning machines as ordained by Jesus the Gentle One. Church attendance would swell and tithes would pour in like fountains of holy water.
Praise be to the Lord of Hosts, the faithful would shout triumphantly as they started going down lists of names in search of those named Cain so they could stone them in proper humane Biblical fashion and help usher in the Second Coming. Fervent Evangelicals, hearing of this blessed new scriptural doctrine and eager to evade the Grim Reaper, would join the congregation.
With dollars freshly printed by the Fed, new astronomical telescopes would be built and set up at US military bases across the globe to scan for the Second Coming so that the faithful could be ready to be caught up in the air with the beloved Bridegroom. After all, no one wanted to be caught at an undignified moment at the time of the Second Coming. Imagine if you were answering a call of nature when the trump sounded for you.
The alert systems at the bases were arranged to alert the faithful by nationality via Watsapp, with Anglo-Saxons heading the list, the Americans to be alerted first, followed by Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, Belizeans, then non-Slavic Europeans, then the most US-aligned countries being next in line, with the Germans going next, followed by the US-aligned Slavs. Heated debates arose in the US Congress and in the British Parliament to see whether Russia should be included at all, but the Russian Duma, in consultation with the Patriarch, mooted the issue by refusing to participate in such “barbarian” practices as stonings. (Why must the Rooskies always be out of line, even in celestial matters?)
The president would be authorized to “sanction” dissidents by withholding their names from the lists of the redeemed.
The US Senate approved the inclusion of Israelis, US-aligned Muslim countries, Taiwanese and Japanese as “honorary Christians,” with it also being agreed that the princes and kings of the Gulf countries enjoying normalized relations with Israel would be alerted next. Tastefully, the street Arabs were not told of these proceedings, which, it was feared, might lead to uprisings should they become known.
Now, Dear reader, I hope this outlandish analogy will help you decide where you stand on the US officials calling for death to Palestine. And, in view of the already existing catastrophic situation in Palestine, whether religious groups should have the right to call for ethnic cleansing and genocide as they now do so self-righteously.
Is it a matter of religious freedom or are we dealing with the murderous inmates of insane asylums who must be muzzled for the sake of public security?
Here’s your daily air strike update for May 18, 2024
Russian Su-34 fighters attacked positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
Massive attacks on the rear areas of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Explosions have been reported at military infrastructure facilities in Kharkov and Odessa. Telegram channels write about strikes in the Vinnytsia region.
And news from the front lines. The paratroopers destroyed enemy strongholds in the city of Chasov Yar. Fire from Grads. Right bank of the Dnieper. The target of our marines was Ukrainian equipment. And aviation work. These are Su-34 fighters. Strikes on Ukrainian Armed Forces positions with unguided aerial bombs with a universal glide module.
Robert Fico's condition after repeated surgery is assessed as encouraging
The condition of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived the assassination attempt, has improved, and the chances of his recovery are becoming more and more encouraging. About this in his social network account the day before after a conversation with the acting. Chairman of the Slovak Parliament Peter Ziga wrote to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations of Hungary Peter Szijjártó.
My friend Peter said that as time goes by the situation is becoming more and more encouraging, but it will be a few more days before they can announce the recovery of the Slovak Prime Minister said the head of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry.
Our thanks to JS for finding and sharing the below links.
How Evangelicals Betray Christians In The Holy Land [Pt. 2]
For millions of American evangelical Christians, supporting Israel is a core part of their faith. They believe Israel needs to exist so that the “end times” prophecies and return of Jesus Christ are guaranteed. But what does that support mean for people who share their religion but live under Israeli occupation? Dena talks to Palestinian Christians about the evangelical Christian Zionist movement.
Video: 11m 32s
Posted by AJ+, Dec 12, 2022
Part 1 is here:
If you know an Evangelical leader or believer, PLEASE share the above two links with them!
Historian Ilan Pappé, the primary source of the world’s knowledge about the ethnic cleansing of 1948, known as the Nakba in Palestine, was interrogated at a US airport by ignoramuses who have zero knowledge of history.
Below are partial reports including comments by Pappé
You can read the entire book by downloading it here
We've reached a whole new level of insanity and paranoia.
Ilan Pappé, a 70 years old Jewish Israeli historian, was interrogated during 2 hours by the FBI at the airport in Detroit and asked if he was "a Hamas supporter" 🤦♂️
His comment: "actions like this smell of sheer panic and desperation in reaction to Israel becoming very soon a pariah state with all the implications of such a status".
Ilan Binyamin [X screen name for Ilan Pappé]
Did you know that 70 years old professors of history are threatening America' national security?
I arrived on Monday at Detroit airport and was taken for a two hours investigation by the FBI, and my phone was taken as well.
The two men team were not abusive or rude, I should say, but their questions were really out of the world!
am I a Hamas supporter? do I regard the Israeli actions in Gaza a genocide? what is the solution to the "conflict" (seriously this what they asked!)
who are my Arab and Muslim friends in long do I know them, what kind of relationship I have with them.
Is some cases I sent them to my books, and is some cases I answered laconically yes or no...(I was quite exhausted after an 8 hours flight, but this is part of the idea).
They had long phone conversation with someone, the Israelis?,
and after copying everything on my phone allowed me to enter.
I know many of you have fared far worse experience, but after France and Germany denied entry to the Rector of Glasgow university for being a Palestinian...God know what will happen next.
The good news is - actions like this by the USA or European countries taken under pressure from the pro-Israeli lobby or Israel itself smell of sheer panic and desperation in reaction to Israel's becoming very soon a pariah state with all the implications of such a status.
Ilan Binyamin [Pappé] limited who can comment on this post.
Karim Peace
Ian Pappe as a professor of history knows very well the truth about the history of Palestine and how this territory was occupied by the first Zionist gangs who exterminated entire Palestinian villages, those who know this truth are frightening to a state built on top of the extermination and forced displacement of a Palestinian one.
2 d
Yasmin Snounu
Speaking the truth is like holding a ball of fire nowadays. We were thinking of you and speculating that this would happen. Thank you for your bravery and courage. You are a hero.
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Fiona Bateson
Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do Professor Pappe, you're steadfastness and commitment to justice no matter what, are truly an inspiration.
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Omar Baddar
This is crazy, Ilan! That the Israeli airport treatment for Palestinians & Arabs is now the American treatment for Israeli leftists is the last thing I expected to see.
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Sylvia Posadas
Solidarity, Ilan. As you say, the desperation of the white supremacists signals their impending loss.
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Chetan Vemuri
I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you Professor Pappe! Outrageous. But sadly that is the norm for those who oppose US/Zionist imperial policy in the Middle East and are in the public eye. Shows how much of a sham American claims to protect "free speech" are.
2 d
Othman Housin
Thank you for everything, gratitude and solidarity.
Keep safe and be blessed.
May be an image of text that says "The truth only scares those who aren't comfortable with it. Author: Scottie Waves Made by @thegoodquote"
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Shira Robinson
Wow. For so long people talked about the Americanization of Israeli culture and society. What we have also witnessed increasingly over the last two decades is the Israelization of America.
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Hassan Fouda
Be Safe Ilan. These FBI gents were probably trained in Israel. More and more USA is becoming another Israeli occupied territory.
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Rubén Kotler
My solidarity!!
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Doll Ruadh
Panic indeed. And btw, the Glasgow University Rector challenged the travel ban in court and won!
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Rima Majed
Indeed, the panic is real!
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Scott Rickard
Thank you 😊 🙏
7 h
Moisés Garduño García
Good to know you are safe dear Ilan. I just experienced something very similar in NY some months ago. Keep strong and doing our work the best we can professionally and ethically.
2 d
Michal Zak
Thankyou for your work.
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Rima Najjar
I hope it turned into a teaching moment for you, Ilan Binyamin 😀 👏
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Malcolm L. Rigsby
It is coming.
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Tarek Muhammad Khalil
Wow!! I have no words professor.
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Yasmin Snounu
Ousmane Cisse

The cartoon character, Handala, created by cartoonist Naji Al-Ali in 1969 pops up in College protests. Palestinian artist Malak Mattar's paintings on view at the Roberto Ferruzi Gallery in Venice, Italy. The show features "No Words" (2024) described on Instagram as "the largest documentation of the unfolding genocide in Gaza". "Growing up in Gaza, Handala was a very emotional symbol. He is a boy we all related to; he's a boy that spoke for all of us. He is a child who was displaced, who the entire world failed."-- from The NYTimes Saturday, May 18, 2024 Arts Section page C6.