That was an excellent post. It should be required reading.

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Please fix the typo in the title Christian Zioinism

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

What if this blog below is true? We all came down from above, as in Jacob's Dream of Angels coming up and down a ladder, being born again to be here now. It is what was kept secret in Daniel 8:26, 12:14 & 12:9. Them stars and hosts of heaven in Daniel 8:9-14, are getting trampled by the Tars at the Top, trampling the already righteous wheat into solid gold hearts. Looking back on 70+ years of war crimes since 2 Nukes, we are at appointed time of Daniel 11:40-45 when Tents were pitched against the beautiful holy mountain-infested with every hateful war monger. He has just not yet gone away to be found no more. Ethiopia erupting would make 3 out of 3 of them verse with Egypt Libya the other 2. Them Rockers with insight will shine brightly in Daniel 12:3, when given control of the TV-the clouds of heaven. Heard Natives had prophecy of Cyberspace, "The mouse and the web." I see the Church as some of the last plagues, legalistic stuff having a purging effect but no good in crowded boiling melting pot, trying to get by in.


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