That was an excellent post. It should be required reading.

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Please fix the typo in the title Christian Zioinism

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What if this blog below is true? We all came down from above, as in Jacob's Dream of Angels coming up and down a ladder, being born again to be here now. It is what was kept secret in Daniel 8:26, 12:14 & 12:9. Them stars and hosts of heaven in Daniel 8:9-14, are getting trampled by the Tars at the Top, trampling the already righteous wheat into solid gold hearts. Looking back on 70+ years of war crimes since 2 Nukes, we are at appointed time of Daniel 11:40-45 when Tents were pitched against the beautiful holy mountain-infested with every hateful war monger. He has just not yet gone away to be found no more. Ethiopia erupting would make 3 out of 3 of them verse with Egypt Libya the other 2. Them Rockers with insight will shine brightly in Daniel 12:3, when given control of the TV-the clouds of heaven. Heard Natives had prophecy of Cyberspace, "The mouse and the web." I see the Church as some of the last plagues, legalistic stuff having a purging effect but no good in crowded boiling melting pot, trying to get by in.


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Wow. did you know know everything that happened in the Bible is just a myth not based on fact? I am so confused, and feel like beliefs are way too powerful. Doesn't matter to the world what other people believe except that it sure does for women. Some of those old penis worshipers think we are inferior.

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Oh, you haven't heard these times were cut short by Lennon's death, and as long as Number 9 never goes to the Big Apple the world will smooth out towards a Brotherhood of Man learning to share all of Mother Earth. Its been all over the Country since 90s.

Too bad the Church has turned you off to there being any good news. You don't have to join in on this 21st Century Group W Bench. We are inviting even the Beasts, Horns, Whores and False Profits of Revelation to come join the Hippies on the Bench to sing loud enough to end war for all time. Just don't count on getting what ever you want if you don't join in to end war for all time.

But if ever care to hear 10 minutes of Rocken Down angels awakening, this video isn't changing from Winter 2011 call for World Court of Daniel 7 to sit on Israel Palestine, with Rock clips that going along with the awakening kept secret in Daniel, revealed to me without ever asking for it, with not having opened a Bible for over 10 years. Too bad you don't have eyes to see the power tripping powers that be are written of in Revelation. YOU JUST LIKE TO MUCK PEOPLE! You without a clue! Can make one with we could send some back to hell that was opened in Zechariah 9:11 and Revelation 9:1-2 when Prisoners were set free from waterless and bottomless pits. But the rebel yell heard of the Guthrie Girls is true, "No human gets left behind or sent back." I added the sent back part for you.


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