South Korea has just made a MASSIVE mistake.

ANY country that hooks their cart to the WRONG HORSE (the USSA), named Titanic, are Psychopaths! They'll end up going 'down with the ship'.

Meanwhile......here in AmeriKa, it's crystal clear that Trump was selected to take us into the New World Order! Trump is the Banksters (Federal Reserve)/Khazarians/Khazarian State's (aka 'Israel') lil BITCH!!

And on January 20th, TRAITOR Trump.......BECOME A WAR CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!!!!

One last thing, as Greg Mannarino (here on Substack) says.......'Those who THREATEN, as Trump is, to other countries, does so out of a place of WEAKNESS'.

Methinks that TRAITOR Trump needs to take lessons, on how to BE A MAN, a LEADER, from Putin! lol

Can you imagine, Putin doing shit like THAT?! The whole world would think that he was a PSYCHOPATHIC DICTATOR!! lolol

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For the intellectually inclined: Founding Father Thomas Paine wrote a very insightful book called The Age of Reason which added polemical wisdom for the separation of Church and State while allowing for Freedom of Religion.

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Revivalists, Evangelicals, Zionists, Anglicans et.al. It's all about Revenue.

Burt Lancaster and Jean Simmons did a Drama/Comedy in 1960 called 'Elmer Gantry' about a roadside revivalist and fire and brimstone preacher who worked the crowds/true believers to build a following for the purpose of enriching their estate.

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Sure, great, excellent, though condescending, analysis. So, what’s your ultimate strategy? Vote Democrat?

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Goddamn, Don, who the fuck cares about this or that so-called good or bad Christian. The Barigan Brothers. Romero. Liberation Theologists. Fuck, almost EVERYTHING from AmeriKKKa is bad bad bad.


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