The below article from the site All Israel is an amazing confession by an Israeli propagandist, who inadvertently admits that Israel’s staunchest ally's only defense is not reason but religion.
Don, "EVANGELICAL GENOCIDE" is a carefully Oligarch fake metal-coin amnesic 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') strategy & cultivation for over 7000 years since Babylon, including the writing, editing & financing of the 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') Torah, Talmud, Old-Testament, New Testament, Koran & sub-writings to capture the colonial narrative in conquered nations & regions.
Mossad motto, "By the art of deception thou shalt do war".
BOOKS of COLONIAL JUSTIFICATION Anyone familiar with the above books, will note how they refer to the Torah/Old Test., which is a national MONOLOGUE hegemony document filled with, celebrating & justifying Jewish massacres. The Torah is designed as a book of false 'religion' (Latin 'religio' = 'to relate', i.e. not to indoctrinate or dominate') in order to justify invasion, colonization & self-righteousness. Most aren't aware how from King David, Solomon & other Jewish Kingdom times, the collaboration as Phoenician, Philistine, Palestinian peoples as terrorists in violent colonization across the Mediterranean Sea. Financing behind 'The people of the book' is partially founded in this violent genocidal theft.
Palestine-Israel of Noah's middle son Shem (hence Semite' or middle) is the LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia (Noah's oldest son Japheth) & Africa (Ham youngest son). One can understand how as related in the story of the son's of Noah, how this captured narrative concept of strategic hegemony is not new since the genocide & colonial destruction for the Graphic writing, Libraries & mnemonic devices of each indigenous people.
One can understand how Noah representing colonial trade Boat-builders feeding on 'exogenous' exploitation, were really a major cause behind the proverbial FLOOD, Boat-builders new the flood was coming but kept on cutting-down, extracting the once extent tall Deciduous hardwoods such as the Oak for war & trade boat material. With this kind of forewarning Noah & his ilk could have replanted the indigenous abundant productive Polyculture Orchards being 100 times = 10,000% more productivity than 'agriculture' (L 'ager' = 'field').
Over 7500 kilometres of the Mediterranean, Red Seas & Gulf of Aden, the Land-bridge is 200 km wide between Gaza on the Med. & Aqaba on the Red uniting trade & people on the Atlantic & Indian Oceans. Control of this core trade Land-bridge for resources, people is coveted by aggressive colonial people for these 7000 years.
The HOLINESS of the Land-Bridge is the stewardship obligation of its inhabitants to welcome & economically include the stranger, traveler & refugees, which was the 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') tradition over many 10s of 1000s of years pre-Oligarch colonization. Subconsciously people understand this Geographic Crux of human & life energy, even though it is rarely discussed as we try to sort out war after war over these 7000 years. All 1st Nations & indigenous peoples worldwide cultivated COUNCIL PROCESS or Both-Sides-Now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published DIALOGUES, for creating Constructive Agreements & for Conflict Resolution.
Indigenous history was traditionally composed as a dialogue between different & even diverse Stakeholder perspectives, leading to a greater understanding of TRUTH between the points-of-view.
Oh, no, the purity test. So, religion isn't the problem, nor is the Bible, nor is Christianity? Oh, darn. It's us fallible Homo Sapiens, Homo Bellum, Homo Consumpethicus. Shit, that's right, the AI will get us to the pure Christian Faith, no?
Wailing Wall White House and the Minyans, just as dirty as the Pilgrims' Progress and all that Memory of Fire tap dancing the AngloSaxonFrancoIberians had those "natives" doing.
If they only had not be fucking savages, no, the Natives?
So, we are in multiple crises, and yet, here again, the definitions while people burn, the world starves, our neighborhoods collapse, the Russians and AmeriKKKans and Ukrainians and Israelis kill kill kill, not in our name, as we are pressed into the service of our fucking lord or masters?
Too much work to do than parsing scripture and that risen from the dead bullshit. That god? Oh, that one, the one in our image.
In terms of the Christian "religion" the Bible does not support what the Evangelicals teach, and that is true with respect to many critical issues of faith. The Bible says we live by faith, and that true "religion" is to visit widows and orphans in their distress. Defined in this manner, "religion" per se, is not the problem. Genuine Christian faith is also not the problem because it calls for us to love our neighbors as ourselves. The distortion of what the Bible teaches is always a problem, and because the Bible is a written text, people are responsible for comparing the teaching of the Evangelicals, along with everyone else who claims to speak for Christianity, against that text. Nobody studies the Bible anymore. Nobody is willing to follow Jesus Christ as their Lord as Savior. So now we get the result and genuine faith is lumped in with false beliefs. Even orthodox Jews who are committed to the Torah speak against Zionism. Their "religion," which is grounded in the Tanakh, teaches them the same thing that the New Testament teaches genuine Christians. Please do not ignore the voices of those whose religion causes them to stand against these atrocities or blame "religion" when it is false religious teaching, not religion as defined in the Bible, that is the problem. Neither biblical faith nor the religion of the Bible is in conflict with rigorous, logical thinking. Please correct what you have said to make it more accurate.
Don, "EVANGELICAL GENOCIDE" is a carefully Oligarch fake metal-coin amnesic 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') strategy & cultivation for over 7000 years since Babylon, including the writing, editing & financing of the 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') Torah, Talmud, Old-Testament, New Testament, Koran & sub-writings to capture the colonial narrative in conquered nations & regions.
Mossad motto, "By the art of deception thou shalt do war".
BOOKS of COLONIAL JUSTIFICATION Anyone familiar with the above books, will note how they refer to the Torah/Old Test., which is a national MONOLOGUE hegemony document filled with, celebrating & justifying Jewish massacres. The Torah is designed as a book of false 'religion' (Latin 'religio' = 'to relate', i.e. not to indoctrinate or dominate') in order to justify invasion, colonization & self-righteousness. Most aren't aware how from King David, Solomon & other Jewish Kingdom times, the collaboration as Phoenician, Philistine, Palestinian peoples as terrorists in violent colonization across the Mediterranean Sea. Financing behind 'The people of the book' is partially founded in this violent genocidal theft.
Palestine-Israel of Noah's middle son Shem (hence Semite' or middle) is the LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia (Noah's oldest son Japheth) & Africa (Ham youngest son). One can understand how as related in the story of the son's of Noah, how this captured narrative concept of strategic hegemony is not new since the genocide & colonial destruction for the Graphic writing, Libraries & mnemonic devices of each indigenous people.
One can understand how Noah representing colonial trade Boat-builders feeding on 'exogenous' exploitation, were really a major cause behind the proverbial FLOOD, Boat-builders new the flood was coming but kept on cutting-down, extracting the once extent tall Deciduous hardwoods such as the Oak for war & trade boat material. With this kind of forewarning Noah & his ilk could have replanted the indigenous abundant productive Polyculture Orchards being 100 times = 10,000% more productivity than 'agriculture' (L 'ager' = 'field').
Over 7500 kilometres of the Mediterranean, Red Seas & Gulf of Aden, the Land-bridge is 200 km wide between Gaza on the Med. & Aqaba on the Red uniting trade & people on the Atlantic & Indian Oceans. Control of this core trade Land-bridge for resources, people is coveted by aggressive colonial people for these 7000 years.
The HOLINESS of the Land-Bridge is the stewardship obligation of its inhabitants to welcome & economically include the stranger, traveler & refugees, which was the 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') tradition over many 10s of 1000s of years pre-Oligarch colonization. Subconsciously people understand this Geographic Crux of human & life energy, even though it is rarely discussed as we try to sort out war after war over these 7000 years. All 1st Nations & indigenous peoples worldwide cultivated COUNCIL PROCESS or Both-Sides-Now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published DIALOGUES, for creating Constructive Agreements & for Conflict Resolution.
Indigenous history was traditionally composed as a dialogue between different & even diverse Stakeholder perspectives, leading to a greater understanding of TRUTH between the points-of-view.
Oh, no, the purity test. So, religion isn't the problem, nor is the Bible, nor is Christianity? Oh, darn. It's us fallible Homo Sapiens, Homo Bellum, Homo Consumpethicus. Shit, that's right, the AI will get us to the pure Christian Faith, no?
Wailing Wall White House and the Minyans, just as dirty as the Pilgrims' Progress and all that Memory of Fire tap dancing the AngloSaxonFrancoIberians had those "natives" doing.
If they only had not be fucking savages, no, the Natives?
So, we are in multiple crises, and yet, here again, the definitions while people burn, the world starves, our neighborhoods collapse, the Russians and AmeriKKKans and Ukrainians and Israelis kill kill kill, not in our name, as we are pressed into the service of our fucking lord or masters?
Too much work to do than parsing scripture and that risen from the dead bullshit. That god? Oh, that one, the one in our image.
Good work, Don.
In terms of the Christian "religion" the Bible does not support what the Evangelicals teach, and that is true with respect to many critical issues of faith. The Bible says we live by faith, and that true "religion" is to visit widows and orphans in their distress. Defined in this manner, "religion" per se, is not the problem. Genuine Christian faith is also not the problem because it calls for us to love our neighbors as ourselves. The distortion of what the Bible teaches is always a problem, and because the Bible is a written text, people are responsible for comparing the teaching of the Evangelicals, along with everyone else who claims to speak for Christianity, against that text. Nobody studies the Bible anymore. Nobody is willing to follow Jesus Christ as their Lord as Savior. So now we get the result and genuine faith is lumped in with false beliefs. Even orthodox Jews who are committed to the Torah speak against Zionism. Their "religion," which is grounded in the Tanakh, teaches them the same thing that the New Testament teaches genuine Christians. Please do not ignore the voices of those whose religion causes them to stand against these atrocities or blame "religion" when it is false religious teaching, not religion as defined in the Bible, that is the problem. Neither biblical faith nor the religion of the Bible is in conflict with rigorous, logical thinking. Please correct what you have said to make it more accurate.