Gimme that old-time Judeo-Christianity
Many Westerners today are starting to lament the loss of traditional values. Let us reflect on this, shall we?
I had written in these Substack pages that the State Department is the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world. I showed that Washington has been captured by a small cabal known as the Project for the New American Century, a group of Jews with the following names:
William Kristol, Robert Kagan, Norman Podhoretz, Michael Ledeen, James Woolsey, Richard Perle.
And I wrote:
These names are of US influencers, almost all of which have held positions in different presidential administrations and most of which have been founding members of the unipolar, hegemonic PNAC, whose policy is to strive for the dismantling of Russia in ways that bring us to the brink of nuclear Armageddon.
Today I would like to enter more deeply into why it is relevant that these Neocons are people identifying as Jews, and to put it very briefly and very bluntly, I feel very strongly that it is because, like their goy enablers, they have turned their back on their scriptures in the most cynical and deliberate way – and in dissolving their spiritual fabric, they have likewise dissolved their humanity.
Jews and Christians share the Old Testament in common, and both religions more-or-less are aware of the commandment in Leviticus to love our neighbor. (Lev. 19:18) – which BTW, Jesus said was the most important of all commandments, in conjunction with the commandment to love God with all one’s heart, mind, soul, and strength. He and a Jewish law scholar both agreed that these were the “greatest commandments,” suggesting that at least the commandment to love one another is universally accessible.
And why not? Even an atheist could agree that love between human beings is necessary for harmonious relations. In the 5th century BC, Confucius taught harmony while Mozi taught universal love, as indispensable and cherished values.
But the Neocons have trashed their respective beliefs in exchange for a cheap petty form of patriotism, which clearly supersedes, nay replaces, the core teachings of these sacred scriptures, perhaps because they feel it is all a lot of silliness. Indeed, let’s admit: some of the commandments seem frankly unscientific in our enlightened day and age, and there is no denying it.
But I think that, instead of trashing the scriptures, there is a way of dealing with these hard-to-digest passages. That is, I think a common-sense approach makes the scriptures accessible to those Westerners who, while aware of the disturbing contradictions and mysteries inherent in religion, lament the loss of traditional faith and the accompanying nihilism and hopelessness that is often attributed to this loss. Indeed, a Muslim intellectual influencer whom I am privileged to communicate with has urged Americans to recover their Christian faith for this very reason. He is right. Yet for many, there are intellectual barriers and they are very real.
Thus, while relying heavily on common sense, I think we also need to embrace the contradictions and the mystery inherent in the scriptures. To do so is tantamount to loving a spouse with views that clash with yours.
As I have written previously, Leviticus doesn’t stop there. The writer knew that the idea of loving one’s neighbor could be taken parochially, as applying, for example, only to other Jews. So, he prudently added:
Lev. 19:33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.
When we observe the shockingly criminal treatment of the Palestinians by the Israeli settlers and authorities, it is clear that the Neocons, who – as either Jewish Zionists or “Christian” Zionists – wholeheartedly support Israeli atrocities, teach that Russia must be dismembered and weakened, have clearly trashed the most important and universally accessible teachings of their scriptures, creating an untenable geopolitical situation. Because this hatred of Russia is accompanied by a total lack of humanity toward the Palestinians. Which is why my Substack site deals with both Russian vs West and Palestinian vs Israel issues, each of which represents diametrically opposed values.
It is telling that Russia is the only world power that professes a form of Christian worship as central to its national doctrine and I strongly suspect that, despite an array of excuses for the Neocon hatred of this country (the latest being the lie that Russia’s incursion into Ukraine was “unprovoked), this open Russian embrace of traditional Christianity is in fact, at bottom, the reason for the seemingly irrational Neocon hatred of all things Russian.
Why do I dwell on these issues?
Because in the case of the confrontation of Russia vs West, Washington’s raw hatred of all things Russian has taken the world to the very brink of total annihilation of the planet — and yet the promoters of the hate-Russia doctrine seem completely oblivious to this. And in the case of the atrocities against Palestine, the West’s support for Israel’s crimes directly conflicts with everything Americans think their country stands for (though in fact it doesn’t), and the hateful positions of their government are tearing at our spiritual fabric, turning brother against brother in ways that threaten what unity is left.
Civil war is a real possibility.
So what will it be? Annihilation of planet earth? Or civil war?
Both of these possibilities militate against a continuation of Neocon policies and suggest a doctrinal about-face now before it is too late.
The late professor Oliver of the University of Illinois noted the Jews tried to use Communism as their mantra for world domination. It FAILED when the Jews were purged during the 11937-39 Puurges and Trotsky was assassinated in Mexico City in 1940. The Jews are trying to do the same using Democracy as their mantra for world domination. This also must end.