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This kind of useless enmity doesn't have to be! China and Russia both want the right to manage their near/afars, but don't cast an envious, acquisitive glance at their near neighbours. There are certain areas of water on their coastal shores that they may claim to, but haven't fought over. In contrast, the US has espoused the Monroe Doctrine and has used its miltary to rule the America's with impunity. Today, of course, the US is the biggest hypocrite of them all, slamming Russia for intervening in the illegal Kiev coup government's attack on Donbass and other former Ukraine Eastern provinces. The fact is that these provinces voted to return to Russia. They wanted no part of an illegal, fascist government in Kiev! No Western nation will admit that the Russian ethnics have a right to self determination as they argued for Bosnia from Serbia in 1999. What's sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander!

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