We recently featured an article in translation from alkhanadeq.org.lb stating that the Resistance Axis had 5 Resistance fronts. Now we learn about a 6th front, namely the front in Bahrain.
Just as the American Revolutionaries who wrote the Federalist Papers and Constitution feared mob rule caused by factions (see George Washington's Farewell Address); so the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment intended separation of church and state. In addition, the Federalist Papers No. 52 strongly supported the prohibition against any religious test for office without any regard to a particular religious faith.
Yet, our nation has become an Evangelical Christian Zionist Theocracy held hostage to the whims of Israel's Right-wing Genocidalists with a blank cheque underwritten by U.S. taxpayers!
Just as the American Revolutionaries who wrote the Federalist Papers and Constitution feared mob rule caused by factions (see George Washington's Farewell Address); so the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment intended separation of church and state. In addition, the Federalist Papers No. 52 strongly supported the prohibition against any religious test for office without any regard to a particular religious faith.
Yet, our nation has become an Evangelical Christian Zionist Theocracy held hostage to the whims of Israel's Right-wing Genocidalists with a blank cheque underwritten by U.S. taxpayers!