Finally, Russia turned the tables on the US-controlled West, arming those countries that don’t like warlike, genocide-supporting US and its pals and sending ships and planes to some of those regions.
Palestine-Israel is the vulnerability, around which even 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') Oligarch-west submissive ego might find its common humanity with all. US, Canada, Britain, France, etc are only Oligarch $$ controlled puppet states. Close to Russia's missile defence system & surrounded by a billion or so people in Muslim countries, there is no greater Counter-measure to the Zionist controlled west's Bombing of the Moscow region & western Russia. Genuine negotiation with Chauvinists starts when they recognize their own vulnerability, so my appreciation for Vladimir Putin for taking on the Zionist worldwide economic-system cancer!
Obviously, AIPAC owned US Congress along with their Canada, Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands empire centres are not sovereign. Zionist fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch owned USA has an anchored military, so-called "Aircraft-Carrier" called Israel, which is shamelessly committing 'genocide' (UN Definition = 'Removing people-from or destroying their means of livelihood, along with Settler & State murder') on native Palestinian people for 120 years now, at the far eastern shore of the Mediterranean. In order to dominate its colonization of the region, this military-Carrier is shamelessly manipulating Zionist directed US, Britain, France, Canada 'bulldog' wars against Israel's surrounding countries, thus promulgating many millions of Muslim, Christian & others dead. Oligarch concept is dominating 'strength' through weakening of all others
The goal of the 'Aircraft Carrier' is to capture the only LAND-BRIDGE trade, goods, services, energy corridor between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia & Africa as an empire Command & Control centre. Palestine as the Land-bridge between the mega-continents has received, according to extensive UN directed 'Out-of-Africa' studies, practically all the ancestors of the Mega-Continents (7 billion people) who have lived in or passed through Palestine.
Hence Palestinians have some of the greater genetic diversity worldwide. Palestine welcomed & included the Ashkenazi (some-of-my-family-in-3-branches) until the ulterior Ashkenazi motive of conquest & expulsion was made apparent through its violent & well armed Irgun, Stern-Gang, Lehi, Hagenah & Mossad began destroying Palestinian Polyculture Orchard & businesses or stealing homes to drive the native occupants abroad.
The greatest vulnerability lies in this Israel 'Aircraft Carrier' filled with Dual-Citizens, who very quickly 'abandon-ship' when stood-up to as only Russia & China can do. Israel has a most tremendous number of vacation homes & hotels devoted to transient international rich populations.
Of course Zionist 'Intellectual-Cowardice' to Armageddon, could have & still can be redressed with TRUTH & RECONCILIATION. When Ashkenazi came to Palestine 120 years ago, they could have politely engaged Palestinians in formal Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues about seeking Palestinian permission in economic collaboration in Palestine's ongoing livelihood development. All humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors & 1st Nations held this COUNCIL PROCESS for any individual affected by another's actions or words to have a Dialectic right to raise issues & all receivers have a social-economic Responsibility to respond in Dialogue. In 1900 & following till today, Ashkenazi had the obligation to engage their Palestinian hosts in DIALOGUE for potential collaborative partnership, but declined out of Intellectual-Cowardice. Just like South Africa, Truth & Reconciliation is an absolute condition of lasting peace, Ceasefire & collaboration.
Palestinian Village housing & Polyculture Orchards is the best model for REGREENING the DESERT. Intergenerational Palestinian Village tightly knit walking economies combined with Olive, Pinion-Pine, Oak & meadow garden Polyculture provide the greatest surfaces for photosynthesis at some 92-98%. Such photosynthesis creates an energy Low-Pressure vacuum, which draws warm moist Ocean Winds inland. 60% of moisture transfer is in condensation of moist winds upon quadrillions of square kilometres of fractal leaf & bark surfaces.
When Ashkenazi & Sephardic peoples came they violently shoved aside Palestinian wisdom & often destroyed the villages to replace with Sprawling Nuclear-home car-dependent Suburbs, Shopping-Centres & Industrial Parks, joined by extensive highways, all being 98% solar reflective surfaces & water-table destroying. Unfortunate Oligarch submissive westerners continue this genocide through our conspicuous consumption & pollution, with over one million people killed / year since WW2.
The invaders cut down the Polyculture & replaced it with 2-8% poor photosynthesizing monocrop 'agriculture' (Latin 'ager' = 'field'). Israel also planted monocrop Coniferous Pine & Spruce trees, prone to disease, Lightning & other fire hazards like matchsticks. Without Deciduous roots, rain bleeds without holding capacity & dries up now compacted earth. All these >95% solar reflective surfaces create High-pressure air mass which pushes winds from the Continent towards the sea creating permanent desert. Palestine under colonial Zionist Oligarch command is now experiencing the most severe drought in the Levant region's history. Polyculture's Deep Polyculture roots descending many 10s of metres into the substrate mining minerals, pumping water, developing extensive nutrient colonies etc. being 100 times = 10,000% more productivity than agriculture.
It seems Russia is in the same conundrum that the Bolsheviks found themselves in 1919 besieged and attacked by the Western Powers they initiated a Revolutionary War against the West as a means of survival. This is hardly Putin's style but clearly he has come to the same conclusion invoked by the absolute determination of the Western globalist elites to escalate the Ukraine War and attack the Russia homeland directly as the Western imperialist powers did in 1918. The savagery and recklessness of these elites has forced this global symmetric war on Russia. Coexistence with the unipolar ideologues of the US empire is unlikely in the foreseeable future which in itself will necessitate a deepening and transformation of the symmetric response in support of a revolutionary war by the Global South against the financialised capitalist class of the US Empire who are endemically unable to contract or shrink their reach and aspirations.
Palestine-Israel is the vulnerability, around which even 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') Oligarch-west submissive ego might find its common humanity with all. US, Canada, Britain, France, etc are only Oligarch $$ controlled puppet states. Close to Russia's missile defence system & surrounded by a billion or so people in Muslim countries, there is no greater Counter-measure to the Zionist controlled west's Bombing of the Moscow region & western Russia. Genuine negotiation with Chauvinists starts when they recognize their own vulnerability, so my appreciation for Vladimir Putin for taking on the Zionist worldwide economic-system cancer!
Obviously, AIPAC owned US Congress along with their Canada, Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands empire centres are not sovereign. Zionist fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch owned USA has an anchored military, so-called "Aircraft-Carrier" called Israel, which is shamelessly committing 'genocide' (UN Definition = 'Removing people-from or destroying their means of livelihood, along with Settler & State murder') on native Palestinian people for 120 years now, at the far eastern shore of the Mediterranean. In order to dominate its colonization of the region, this military-Carrier is shamelessly manipulating Zionist directed US, Britain, France, Canada 'bulldog' wars against Israel's surrounding countries, thus promulgating many millions of Muslim, Christian & others dead. Oligarch concept is dominating 'strength' through weakening of all others
The goal of the 'Aircraft Carrier' is to capture the only LAND-BRIDGE trade, goods, services, energy corridor between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia & Africa as an empire Command & Control centre. Palestine as the Land-bridge between the mega-continents has received, according to extensive UN directed 'Out-of-Africa' studies, practically all the ancestors of the Mega-Continents (7 billion people) who have lived in or passed through Palestine.
Palestinians have been gracious hosts over many 1000s of years receiving, welcoming & RELATIONAL-ECONOMY, including the traveler, trader, refugee & stranger.
Hence Palestinians have some of the greater genetic diversity worldwide. Palestine welcomed & included the Ashkenazi (some-of-my-family-in-3-branches) until the ulterior Ashkenazi motive of conquest & expulsion was made apparent through its violent & well armed Irgun, Stern-Gang, Lehi, Hagenah & Mossad began destroying Palestinian Polyculture Orchard & businesses or stealing homes to drive the native occupants abroad.
The greatest vulnerability lies in this Israel 'Aircraft Carrier' filled with Dual-Citizens, who very quickly 'abandon-ship' when stood-up to as only Russia & China can do. Israel has a most tremendous number of vacation homes & hotels devoted to transient international rich populations.
Of course Zionist 'Intellectual-Cowardice' to Armageddon, could have & still can be redressed with TRUTH & RECONCILIATION. When Ashkenazi came to Palestine 120 years ago, they could have politely engaged Palestinians in formal Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues about seeking Palestinian permission in economic collaboration in Palestine's ongoing livelihood development. All humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors & 1st Nations held this COUNCIL PROCESS for any individual affected by another's actions or words to have a Dialectic right to raise issues & all receivers have a social-economic Responsibility to respond in Dialogue. In 1900 & following till today, Ashkenazi had the obligation to engage their Palestinian hosts in DIALOGUE for potential collaborative partnership, but declined out of Intellectual-Cowardice. Just like South Africa, Truth & Reconciliation is an absolute condition of lasting peace, Ceasefire & collaboration.
Palestinian Village housing & Polyculture Orchards is the best model for REGREENING the DESERT. Intergenerational Palestinian Village tightly knit walking economies combined with Olive, Pinion-Pine, Oak & meadow garden Polyculture provide the greatest surfaces for photosynthesis at some 92-98%. Such photosynthesis creates an energy Low-Pressure vacuum, which draws warm moist Ocean Winds inland. 60% of moisture transfer is in condensation of moist winds upon quadrillions of square kilometres of fractal leaf & bark surfaces.
HOLLOW BOASTS OF REGREENING & 'COMMUNITY' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service')
When Ashkenazi & Sephardic peoples came they violently shoved aside Palestinian wisdom & often destroyed the villages to replace with Sprawling Nuclear-home car-dependent Suburbs, Shopping-Centres & Industrial Parks, joined by extensive highways, all being 98% solar reflective surfaces & water-table destroying. Unfortunate Oligarch submissive westerners continue this genocide through our conspicuous consumption & pollution, with over one million people killed / year since WW2.
The invaders cut down the Polyculture & replaced it with 2-8% poor photosynthesizing monocrop 'agriculture' (Latin 'ager' = 'field'). Israel also planted monocrop Coniferous Pine & Spruce trees, prone to disease, Lightning & other fire hazards like matchsticks. Without Deciduous roots, rain bleeds without holding capacity & dries up now compacted earth. All these >95% solar reflective surfaces create High-pressure air mass which pushes winds from the Continent towards the sea creating permanent desert. Palestine under colonial Zionist Oligarch command is now experiencing the most severe drought in the Levant region's history. Polyculture's Deep Polyculture roots descending many 10s of metres into the substrate mining minerals, pumping water, developing extensive nutrient colonies etc. being 100 times = 10,000% more productivity than agriculture.
It seems Russia is in the same conundrum that the Bolsheviks found themselves in 1919 besieged and attacked by the Western Powers they initiated a Revolutionary War against the West as a means of survival. This is hardly Putin's style but clearly he has come to the same conclusion invoked by the absolute determination of the Western globalist elites to escalate the Ukraine War and attack the Russia homeland directly as the Western imperialist powers did in 1918. The savagery and recklessness of these elites has forced this global symmetric war on Russia. Coexistence with the unipolar ideologues of the US empire is unlikely in the foreseeable future which in itself will necessitate a deepening and transformation of the symmetric response in support of a revolutionary war by the Global South against the financialised capitalist class of the US Empire who are endemically unable to contract or shrink their reach and aspirations.