»The fact is that Voronezh-DM is one of the key elements of Russia’s nuclear missile shield. It provides space control in the southern and southwestern direction to a depth of up to 6000 km.«

According to topcor.ru, the reconnaissance depth of the Voronezh-DM radar station is 600km, not 6000.

Moreover, one has to ask why this facility, which is (allegedly) so important for Russia's security against enemy missile attacks, is not better protected, or why it was hit by (up to three) drones during the Ukrainian attack. https://en.topcor.ru/47787-ukrainskie-smi-publikujut-fotografii-povrezhdennoj-rls-voronezh-dm.html

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Red line after red line, Putin the wannabe Jew and Westerner. Russia needs the communists I charge. And the fucking Minyan Wailing Wall White House cunt of a penis piano fucking ZioAzovNaziLemsky and his cadre need to be vaporized.... But Putin and his fucking fake war just makes poor Russia look like a fucking third world backwater. Zyklon Blinken and Himmler Nuland are winning this one as Putin languishes in his fucking lawyer bull shit fuckery.

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