Your evaluation of the prospects of war against Iran is missing one key factor: the Turks. Now that Syria has become a Turkish vassal, the road is open for the Turkish army, the largest and best armed in NATO right after the US, to take part in an action against Iran. They are certainly willing; Iran is their principal rival to dominating the Middle East, and the main obstacle to restoring the Ottoman empire. Now Trump's objection to too many American troops buying the farm vs. Iran is no longer valid; the ground war will be conducted mainly by the Turks, with the cannon fodder provided by the Syrian jihadists, Sunnis who fanatically hate the Shia Iran---look at the massacres of Shiites that they are conducting even now.

The US will provide just the air supremacy, bombing from afar like they love to do; and perhaps some armor, although Turkey has a powerful armored force too. The US will also provide drones and satellite surveillance like they do in Ukraine, while the actual boots on the ground will be mainly proxies, the ideal way of making war from the US perspective. And at some point, the remaining ally, Israel, will carry out a nuke attack on Iran, sparing the US from making that unpopular move that could potentially provoke Russia into armageddon.

So, the situation has dramatically changed from the last time, when Trump got cold feet. Now he can run the war just the way the US likes, with few American casualties; and if Russia gets involved, so much the better, as it will overextend them and mire them into an expensive foreign debacle.

Finally, I think Trump promised this war to the Zionist lobby; that is much of the reason why the MSM, the election falsifiers, and the CIA assassins were told to stand down, and his victory was permitted.

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If we're lucky, the specter of thousands of Iranian missiles falling on Israel and US bases may be sufficient deterrent. Trump may personally warn off Turkey.

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in some cases numbers speak louder than words. next on the to-do-list is trying to establish the real number of victims who died in the gruesome concentration camps. hint: it wasn't "6 million J*ws" - https://archive.org/details/old-newspapers-report-six-million-jews-1915-1938

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