Arab countries issue tough statements from the comfort of their gilded palaces but only the impoverised Houthis stick their necks out to stop Israeli atrocities, facing danger from the combined West.
Israel is a rogue, terrorist state ruled by a psychotic fascist protected by the U.S. President who intends 'Fascism with a Democratic Face' for Americans although today they are 'happy as pigs in slop', the Great American Pig Sty by virtue of the Federal Reserve Free Money System. For now, Ignorance is Bliss in the good 'ol USA.
Imagine what William Shakespeare or Friedetich Schiller would have written about Americans today.
Israel is a rogue, terrorist state ruled by a psychotic fascist protected by the U.S. President who intends 'Fascism with a Democratic Face' for Americans although today they are 'happy as pigs in slop', the Great American Pig Sty by virtue of the Federal Reserve Free Money System. For now, Ignorance is Bliss in the good 'ol USA.
Imagine what William Shakespeare or Friedetich Schiller would have written about Americans today.